Tips for Planting Your Garden in the Ideal Location

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Tips for Planting Your Garden in the Ideal Location

Orienting Your Garden to the Cardinal Directions


Understanding cardinal directions in relation to your home and garden is one of the most basic gardening skills. The fundamental task of orienting your property will help you to plan a garden with the greatest chance of success. Above the equator, where almost all our readers live, south-facing walls receive all day sun, and north-facing walls are shaded.

Plot Your Garden in Relation to the Sun

We all know that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Orienting your own home is as simple as getting up to watch the sunrise. Face the horizon where the sun rises – this is east. Hold out your left hand – this is north. Hold out your right hand – this is south. And west is to your back. Now you can draw a simple map of your yard and draw a little compass with the cardinal directions to use as a reference for future landscaping projects.

Sun and Shade Plants

So, if a plant needs full sun, it will probably need to be on the south side of your home as to not fall in the shade of your home. The plants placed along the north wall should be shade-loving plants because they will be in the shadow of your home for the entire day. 
