
Crocuses are nature's heralds of spring, emerging with vibrant colors that announce the season's arrival. Explore their joyful palette, discover their role as early bloomers, and uncover the secrets of naturalizing them for a perennial spring spectacle.

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Among the first heralds of spring, Crocus are a perennial favorite for early season color. Blooming from late winter to early spring (with a few autumn-blooming ones), easy-to-grow crocus increase annually for a more stunning season each year, splashing shades of purple, white, yellow, and blue throughout the garden. With snow crocus and giant flowering types as well as fall-blooming and colchicums from which to choose, your garden will be radiant for a long season, just when you need it most. And do not forget that the spice saffron comes from the stigmas of Crocus sativus.
