Guide to Growing Leucanthemum: Organic Care for Shasta Daisy

white Shasta daisy flowers in garden
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Guide to Growing Leucanthemum: Organic Care for Shasta Daisy

Xeriscaping: Dealing with Drought

Leucanthemum x superbum, commonly known as Shasta daisy, is a popular perennial that brightens gardens with its large, radiant white flowers. Developed by horticulturist Luther Burbank in 1890, this plant has since evolved into a garden staple, thanks to its robust nature and the development of numerous varieties that offer extended blooming periods, unique flower shapes, and sizes suitable for both garden beds and containers. Ready to learn more about planting and enjoying Shasta daisy in your garden? In this Care Guide we’ll focus on organic cultivation to enhance your gardening experience sustainably.

Choosing Your Leucanthemum Variety

The Shasta daisy's versatility is evident in its many forms, from large, white daisy-like blooms with sunny yellow centers to cream and yellow flowers, available in single, semi-double, or fully double forms. Some feature quilled or frilled petals, adding texture and interest to garden spaces. When selecting a variety for your garden, consider bloom time, plant height, and flower type to suit your landscape design and personal preferences. Compact varieties are excellent for pots, while taller types make stunning backdrops in perennial borders.

Shasta daisy plants blooming in perennial gardenShasta daisy plants blooming in perennial garden

Planting Your Shasta Daisy

When to Plant: The ideal planting times for Shasta daisy are in the autumn, during mild winter spells, or early spring. Summer planting can also be successful, provided the plants are adequately watered until they are established.

Soil Preparation: Leucanthemum thrives in well-drained soil with moderate fertility. Before planting, enrich poor soils by incorporating organic matter such as compost or well-rotted manure. This organic amendment will improve soil structure, encourage beneficial microbial activity, and provide essential nutrients.

Planting Technique: Space your plants according to their expected mature size, generally about 12-18 inches apart, to ensure adequate air circulation. Plant at the same depth they were in their nursery pots and water thoroughly after planting. For container plantings, choose a loam-based potting compost for optimal growth.


Organic Care for Shasta Daisy


Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged during the establishment period. Once established, Shasta daisy is quite drought-tolerant, but regular watering during prolonged dry spells will promote continuous blooming.

Mulching and Feeding

Apply an annual mulch of organic compost or well-rotted manure around the base of your plants in early spring. This practice not only retains moisture and suppresses weeds but also gradually enriches the soil. Supplement with a slow-release organic fertilizer to encourage robust growth and abundant flowering.

Supporting Tall Varieties

For varieties that reach greater heights, providing support is essential to prevent flopping, especially in windy locations. Install grow-through supports in spring; these can be store-bought or homemade from canes and string or natural materials like twiggy hazel stems.

Pruning and Maintenance

Deadheading spent flowers regularly will encourage plants to produce new blooms, extending the flowering season. In late fall to early spring, cut back dead growth to ground level to tidy the plant and stimulate fresh growth. Dividing large, established clumps every few years in autumn or early spring will rejuvenate the plants and offer an opportunity to expand your garden or share with fellow gardeners.

Attracting Wildlife

Shasta daisy is not only visually appealing but also serves as a magnet for pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, enhancing the biodiversity of your garden. Growing Leucanthemum organically ensures that your garden remains a haven for these beneficial creatures, contributing to a healthy ecosystem.

Growing Leucanthemum, or Shasta Daisy, organically in your garden yields beautiful blooms and supports the environment. By choosing the right variety, you can enjoy these delightful perennials season after season.
