Plant ideas for your wildflower meadow garden.
Gardening How Tos
Planting a backyard or container garden? Discover tips and how-tos that will develop your expertise to help create the landscape and garden of your dreams.
Tips for Growing a Wildflower Meadow Garden
How to Revive Hydrangea Cut Flowers
Did you know that cut hydrangeas can last a month or more in a vase? Here's how.
Tips for Gardeners: Managing Cicada Infestations
Learn how to safeguard your garden from the effects of a cicada surge.
Understanding Cicada Population Surges
Grow Radiant Delosperma in Your Xeriscape and Flower Garden
Iceplant is a hardy flowering succulent ideal for xeriscape gardens.
Step-by-Step Guide to Lasagna Planting Spring Bulbs
Learn how to layer spring blooming bulbs, find recommended bulb combinations and a link to planting depths, plus a homemade recipe for cut flower presservative.
How to Bring Your Spring Garden Indoors Early
Steps to follow to encourage spring blooming shrubs to flower indoors.
Planting Bulbs: As Easy as Dig, Drop, Done!
When and how to plant spring bulbs in your fall garden.
How to Plant Spring-Blooming Bulbs
Fall planting for spring flowering? You'll be done in three easy steps.
When and How to Prune Azalea
Whether you're pruning your rhododendron and azalea for shaping or to improve its heath here are tips you can follow to enhance blooming.