Use These Tips to Help Your Spring Blooming Daffodils Flourish
Spring Bulbs are a Welcome Sign of the End of Winter
No plant is easy the first time you garden with it. So here are some quick tips to make you look like a pro, even if you've never laid eyes on a daffodil bulb before in your life!
Daffodil bulbs often have two big shoots coming out of one base, as if two bulbs were stuck together. Don't separate them; just plant the whole thing. It will multiply even faster!
Plant daffodil bulbs with the wide base facing downwards, the pointy top facing up.
Plant the bulbs at a depth of least 3 times their height. In warmer climates, even deeper is recommended.
Do not add any "bulb food" or other enrichment at planting time.
After planting, daffodils need no special treatment. Water, mulch, or leave the soil alone, just as you normally would.
In spring, after the daffodils have bloomed, do not cut away the leaves. This is critical. Let them die all the way back; the plant is gathering nutrition for next year's growth during this period. If you want to hide the unattractive brown shoots, plant your daffodils among daylilies, which do a good job covering up the leaves with their fresh green foliage.
Because spring bulbs grow best when planted in the garden in fall, they are not part of our spring collection. Mid to late June is a good time to check back and see what unique and traditional spring flowers we have to add to your garden.