Reblooming Lilacs

purple lilac blooms up close
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Reblooming Lilacs

Lilacs with MONTHS of Blooms, Hooray!

An exceptional lilac that is just what you would expect based on its name—loads of blooms that come back again over the growing season. You don’t have to settle for a few weeks of that sweet lilac scent. Bloomerang® syringa (commonly called lilac) flowers beautifully in spring then, after a short rest, it starts to bloom again in mid to late summer and continues through to frost. Yippee! While we, in Zones 3 to 7, eagerly anticipate our lilac blooms in spring, they are too quickly a lovely memory.

It’s a whole new syringa experience when you include Bloomerang lilac bushes from Wayside Gardens in your landscape or on your patio. Disease resistant and easier to care for than ever before—and did we mention reblooming? Bloomerang lilacs have all the treasured characteristics of traditional lilacs with an abundance of rich purple to light lavender blooms of trumpet-shaped petite flowers that gather in rounded clusters of buds on a pleasantly mounded shrub. And after their much-anticipated spring flower display, you’ll have just enough time to miss their vintage scent before Bloomerang syringa flowers again through to frost. 

8 Reasons to Grow Bloomerang® Lilacs

  1. More disease resistant than ever
  2. Easy-to-grow
  3. Attractive shrub
  4. Lovely flowers
  5. Sweet-smelling
  6. Minimal care
  7. No deadheading
  8. #ProvenWinners has the best plant names!

What customers say:

"I could not be more thrilled with this lilac. It’s spring bloom each year has been even more beautiful and showy than the last."

"…thrilled with the hundreds of blooms in mid spring and right now in midsummer! They’re so beautiful and fragrant."

"My Bloomerangs are in FULL bloom. The plant is bushy, healthy green leaves, already a few inches of growth and it’s absolutely covered in beautiful open flowers. They are very fragrant." 

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