Your Guide to Caring for Houseplants

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Your Guide to Caring for Houseplants

Tips for Houseplant Care

According to science people have only 3 basic needs – food, water, and shelter. Much like humans, plants only need 3 things to survive – sunlight, water, and a growing medium. This is pretty cut and dry, so why is keeping your houseplants alive such a struggle? You’re resolved to keep your dreams and your plants alive this year and we’re here to help.

succulent houseplantssucculent houseplants

Container Plants

Not all plants are suited to container life so choosing the right one is your first step. Some plants take to containers beautifully and we recommend choosing these over ones geared more towards the great outdoors. 


Just as every good house has a sound foundation so should every houseplant have an excellent growing medium. Using the right potting mix is key to ensuring a long and healthy life for your plant. As a neophyte gardener I made the mistake of using garden soil in my potted plants and my poor greenery suffered for it. Quality potting soil will allow for good drainage and have nutrients that houseplants need to thrive. 


With busy schedules and varying needs of different plants, it can be difficult to find a balance that won’t leave your greenery parched or drowning. We tend to think that more water is better than less, yet the number one killer of houseplants is overwatering, proving it really is possible to have too much of a good thing. Wilting, yellow or fallen leaves are all natural indicators that your plant is stressed out and could be thirsty, but they could also be signs of overwatering as well.

Here’s what we recommend:

  • Know Your Plant - You know that little tag that comes with your plant? Keep it. It has all the basic info like light and water requirements and will be your trusty friend until you’ve memorized your plant’s care needs. This is a simple step, but one that makes all the difference.
  • Stay on Schedule - The more plants you have the more important it is to stay organized and keep a watering schedule. Check on your plants daily so you won’t miss early signs of stress.
  • Install a Watering System - This one is our favorite. Using a self-watering system is so easy it feels like cheating! Once its set up you’ll never have to worry about it again.
  • Light Management  - The hardest part about keeping houseplants healthy is trying to simulate the outdoors while indoors. I like to set my succulents near a sunny window, but sunlight alone won’t cut it if your home faces away from the sun or it sits beneath dense tree cover. Sometimes a sunny window isn’t always possible, but thankfully we have plenty of energy efficient light sources to fill the gaps.
  • Transplanting - As your plant grows it will need a bigger container, but just like a cat sleeping in her favorite spot, plants loathe to be moved. The bad news is no matter how careful you are your plant will go into shock during transplant. The good news is that we can take steps to reduce transplant shock and reverse it once it occurs. 
    • Roots: try not to disturb or damage the roots and do your best to keep the root ball intact and moistened during the move. You don’t need to tug the roots or shake off any dirt, just gently remove the bulk of the plant from the pot in one piece.
    • Watering in: Deeply water the plant after the move to reduce shock and help it become accustomed to its new location more quickly.
    • If shock occurs you can always sprinkle the affected plant with sugar water to stimulate growth and trim it down to decrease its overall workload. Once you’ve taken all precautions all that’s left is to wait for it to respond. If you’ve done everything correctly your plant will bounce back in no time. 

Pest Control

While your home may feel impenetrable from the terrors of the outdoors, your precious greenery still isn’t safe from insects. You will need to quash any pest activity as soon as possible to give your plants a fighting chance. We recommend quality pest control products which will protect your houseplants from this threat.

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