Few flowers command attention like amaryllis (Hippeastrum). Because of their bold, oversized blooms and rich color palette, these popular bulbs provide a stunning display whether grown indoors or in the garden. They are particularly popular for winter forcing, allowing gardeners to enjoy vibrant flowers when most other plants are dormant.
Why Choose Amaryllis?
Amaryllis bulbs are popular for their ease of growth and reliability. Unlike many flowering bulbs, they do not require chilling and can bloom indoors with little effort. Simply plant in a well-draining container, provide bright light, and water sparingly until growth begins. Within weeks, you’ll enjoy elegant blooms that lasts for several weeks.
For outdoor planting, amaryllis thrives in warm climates (zones 8-10), where it can be grown as a perennial. When planted in garden beds, it produces striking blooms year after year with minimal maintenance.
With so many varieties available—including single, double, and exotic star-shaped flowers—there’s an amaryllis bulb for every preference. Amaryllis delivers elegance and ease unmatched by other bulbs and blooms.
How long does it take for amaryllis to bloom?
Once planted, amaryllis bulbs typically bloom in 6 to 10 weeks, depending on the variety and growing conditions.
Can amaryllis be grown outdoors?
Yes, in zones 8-10, amaryllis bulbs can be planted outdoors where they will return each year. In cooler climates, they should be grown in pots or lifted for winter storage.
How do I encourage reblooming next year?
After flowering, allow the leaves to grow and nourish the bulb. Reduce watering in late summer, then store in a cool, dark place for 8-10 weeks before replanting.